We hear some people say that there are no evil people in the world, and that only their acts are evil. Well, this is absolute proof that there are truly sadistic and evil people in the world who enjoy seeing innocent and helpless beings suffer for their pleasure. And they even made a video of their evil deeds so they could enjoy the suffering over and over again.
The terrified kitty is now trapped in a ball of fire.
The excruciating pain and terror can be seen in the way the kitty's toes are splayed out, as he or she desperately tries to escape the the torment. And it's not just "pets" that suffer at the hands of evil human beings; billions of farmed animals are also being abused and tortured every year. We need to stop it all!
After another 33 seconds of frantically trying to escape the flames, the kitty collapsed, but didn't die.
The fire continues to burn the kitty
Even after all of this torture, the kitty is still alive, so they doused him or her with more lighter fluid and set it on fire
The kitty finally dies...If you're as angry and upset by this senseless torture as we are, then it's time to become an animal activist and help end the use, abuse, torture and exploitation of all animals.
Apa pengajaran yg korang amik dari gambar2 di atas? Aku sedih melihat kucing tu sengsara & rasa sakit yg teramat sgt. Otak letak kat lutut kut manusia yg bakar kucing tu. Aku mmg tak sanggup langsung utk sakitkan kucing.. apatah lg bakar spt kucing di atas. Eloklah jg kucing di atas tu mati. Dari biarkan dia idup.. lg lah kucing tu akan menanggung kesakitan. Kut ye pon tak suke, jgn lah buat mcm ni! Binatang pon ada rasa sakit. Kucing tu makhluk bernyawa! Insaf lah wahai manusia! :(
Sanggupkah anda memperlakukan kucing anda sebegini?
org yg bakar anak kucing tu agaknye die nak kene bakar camtu..
mmg x berhati perut langsung..
sakit hati sgt² saye tgk web tu smlm.. uuuwwwaaaaa
org yg bakar kucing tu.. kena bakar kat akhirat esok2!
Baru dia rasa macamana best nya kena bakar. Dungu btol depa nih.. huh!
bengong!!!!! siapa yg bakar tu.. jahat gileeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
mana amik gmbr ni deida?
Kesian sungguh kucing tu :( ... Moga2 Allah balas kejahatan diorang dengan azab yg lebih pedih lagi!!!!
Hi Dieda,
Tak sampai hati kak dina tgk kucing tu.
Tergamak sungguh manusia mana yang berjasad manusia tapi berhati 'syaitan'. Dia patut dibakar macam kucing tu.
*fir* kat blog "animal abuse"
*amar* sy jgk hrp begitu! biar mereka rasa!
*kak dina* hrp2 lps ni xde dah kezaliman terhadap binatang.
Agaknya mereka tu teringin jd binatang kut.. huhu!
nauzubillah... kejamnya sape yg bakar kucing tu idop2..
semoga manusia tu mendapat balasan yg setimpalnya diakhirat esok...
Uwaaaaaaaa.... kejam.. kejam..
sumpah kalu jumpe orang camni aku bakar diorg plak!!!
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